


John’s Buns White






Olive oil

Water (handwarm) Yeast

2 kg 

45 g 

100 g

1 l 

100 g


• Mix olive oil, water and yeast together and wisk

• Put all other ingredients in the dough maker and mix while dry

• Add the liquid mix to the dry mix and knid the dough until half sticky

(low speed, at least 45 minutes, so plenty of air enters the dough)

• Keep some extra flour at hand if necessary to chuck in a handful

• Take out the dough, knid to a big ball and cover with a wet towel

• First rise: 40 minutes under a wet towel (on a table top, room temperature)

• Take the towel off the doughball and slap it once with both hands as if it were a black woman’s bottom. (this to push the air out)

• Cut the ball in portions, roll and distribute on baking trays (leave enough space, portions around 45g)

• Second rise: 15 min, oven 30°C

• Take the trays out, and cut in the doughballs for baking (just slice in gently but firmly, about 1 cm deep, all the way diagonal). This will allow the dough to open up during baking.

• Put a deep tray on the bottom of a pre-heated oven (220°C).

• Put the baking trays with the dough in the oven, and before closing, chuck in the bottom tray a dozen of ice-cubes

• Quickly close the oven, and bake the buns for about 10 to 12 minutes until golden brown (white buns) or dessert coloured (brown buns)

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