Cook Evaluation

Cook Evaluation Form


In order to keep track of the galley performance, we have developed the Cook Evaluation Form. This form aids us in monitoring your performance during the duration of your contract and to adjust your performance where possible. Case by case, extra evaluations may be requested, the following intervals are common:

First evaluation: after one month on the vessel.

Intermediate evaluation: halfway your contract.

Final evaluation: at the end of your contract.

In general, evaluations are performed by the captain, assisted by the chief mate.




Evaluations can be confrontational and may be subjective to a certain extend. How should you ideally deal with your evaluation:

Present yourself for the meeting regarding your evaluation looking sharp: clean clothes, clean hands, clean appearance.

Bring a notebook and a pen: take notes of remarks that are made.

Where applicable, make separate notes for instant actions.

Choose your words wisely and try to bring across your point during conversation.

When engaging in conversation or discussion, at all times be polite.

In case a discussion gets heated, apply diplomacy and let it rest for a while. It makes more sense to catch up on that specific topic during a separate meeting with the captain.

After your evaluation, consider the remarks made and assess yourself.

Try to find possible solutions to certain challenges or remarks and, if necessary, discuss them with the captain.

In case you are struggling to find a solution to remarks made, contact the Galley Coach.

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